Sunday, October 10, 2010

This weekend

This week was my first week with my new schedule. I have a psychology class and when I walked in, he asked if I knew what a white-tailed deer was and continued by saying that he killed two before going to school that morning. Then I have two other English classes and a sports class and hopefully I will be getting a singing course and possibly a dance course. For the next period, I will take a class for the old dance. We have to learn the dance and then perform it for people. Much different than prom! I am also joining the soccer team and some friends from Helsinki are thinking of starting a foreign exchange theatre group (yay!) I am like a fish without water because I have not been performing. On my weekend, well, Friday, I went to a Mexican and Finnish bar. At the Finnish bar, cleverly named "poro" (reindeer), I met two adults from the United States that worked with Carnival cruise lines. I eavesdropped and heard them say "Turku" like an American and I was like HEY! I am going to talk to them! Very refreshing to hear that. I think it is going to be so strange to come back to the states and understand all the conversations being had because I am so used to not understanding fully what people are saying. I am beginning to understand much more, though. Thank God! I can pick up on words and hopefully in a few weeks, I will be able to piece together what people are talking about. On Saturday, I lounged around did laundry etc. Then around 7 I went to Linda's house, the girl from Rotex who went on exchange to Mexico in 08-09 and there was a little girls night. One of her friends went to France and another to Italy. The girl from Itally Anni, did all of our nails and was such a sweetheart! Then today I went to a basketball game with a team from Turku vs. Helsinki. There were two American players, and the coaches were screaming in English (yay!) Then I went home and did sauna :) I have not been warm in a long time and it definetely helped. Supposedly, this is supposed to be the coldest winter in 1,000 years. Perfect timing, Christina! Anyways, tomorrow I will be going to Turku because my English teacher has a colleague there, and coincidentally, it is my next host sister's school! It is called TSYK. I have realized that my English is getting worse and worse. Uh oh. Tuesday I have training at 8 o'clock. Since we do not have practice after school, we have it very late in the night. AKA: cold! No pictures this time, sorry! Hyää yötä (goodnight)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it's getting cold. It was a record breaking week back home with temps topping 80 degrees. Leaves are falling on the driveway and getting into the car and house. Roxy sez hi and is learning Finnish dog bark so she can converse with you when you get back!!
